Project One

Visual Rhetorical Analysis PAPER

With this project, you will develop proficiency in rhetorical analysis and argument by writing a paper that examines a visual text. The aim of your argument is to support a thesis—using the rhetorical tools of persuasion—concerning how your chosen visual text offers a persuasive argument. The who, what, where, when, how, and whys are important here. This assignment requires that you critically consider the context and possible motivations of the visual rhetorical argument, placing them within a context.

Using the assigned readings in Envision in Depth, you must make an argument that persuades readers of your thesis. The form of this assignment is an integrated textual and visual essay that utilizes visual images and the rhetorical elements of composition, presentation, intended audience, and argument. This means that you must use images within your paper. The integration of these images does not take the place of analysis. Rather, they should support your analysis.

You will choose a topic based on something you are a “fan” of– something that interests you. This assignment should include a Works Cited page, formatted according to MLA standards, and be a minimum of 1200 words.

20% of Final Grade


  • Engage in critical thinking with a rhetorical lens, considering purpose, audience, and rhetorical situation
  • Develop knowledge of genre conventions, including structure and tone
  • Consider the use of visual elements to make an effective or ineffective argument

Important Dates

September 6 – Peer Review Workshop – At least 900 words complete will be required to participate in the workshop. If you fail to bring the required materials, you will not receive credit for the workshop assignment. (10 points).

September 9 – Project One is due by class start time on Canvas. The document should be in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format with all necessary citations included. Any other format outside of the above listed formats will not be accepted, per syllabus requirements.

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